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Why Group Tuition?

Many parents opt for a private tutor. They genuinely believe that by doing this they are choosing the most beneficial preparation for their child - we disagree.


We feel that private tuition is excellent for dealing with a particular problem but for a reasonably able child who happens to be taking exams we  do not think that one to one tuition is the best preparation. It is not always helpful to have the sort of intense scrutiny that a private tutor brings — children need to work by themselves, read instructions, self correct their work in exams and not have someone doing that for them. If they begin to depend on constant reassurance the exam room can seem a very lonely place.


Group lessons bring very major benefits in terms of preparation which are not experienced by the child in the home with their tutor. They also boost children’s confidence and self esteem.



Group lessons are not like class at school. The children are in small groups of around six or seven. They can compare their work with different children from other school and meet new teachers and work in an unfamiliar environment. The children must learn to read instructions by themselves and students learn to continue with their work without being told to do so. Children learn the skills of self monitoring and correcting. Students have to concentrate for two hours and sometimes practice in timed examination conditions.


These are all important aspects of exam taking which we encourage throughout the course so they do not feel worried when they are ‘alone’ in an exam situation. 


We think group tuition is the best way of preparing children for exams. Our excellent track record in getting children into their first choice of school gives us confidence that our programme is extremely effective. 

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